Platomics announces collaborations with Agilent and Sophia Genetics Read the Press Releases
GSPRs are challenging, standards are beautiful
– with Professor Kurt Zatloukal
The IVDR General Safety and Performance Requirements are challenging, and therein lies the beauty of established standards: They are state-of-the-art and as such can reliably fulfill GSPRs.
Since May 2022, labs must comply with GSPRs. This webinar illuminates the GSPRs and offers a few tricks for moving forward and getting your in-house tests up to speed:
- We explain how ISO standards are an efficient way to fulfil GSPRs and other requirements.
- Then Professor Zatloukal from the Diagnostic and Research Center for Molecular Biomedicine at the Medical University Graz will speak on the standardization of pre-analytics.
- And finally we’ll show how our new GSPR Wizard can lead your lab to compliant in-house tests quicker than you think.
Watch the recorded webinar here:

IVDReady Webinar 2
GSPRs are challenging, standards are beautiful
Feb 1, 2024