
IVDReady and PlatoX®

The IVDReady Webinar Series guides labs as they progress through IVDR documentation for their
in-house tests.

This informative series walks you through the requirements and explains what your lab needs to do. Each webinar informs you about the next steps and demonstrates how to get them done efficiently on our platform.

Some webinars address both manufacturers and labs.

To begin IVDR technical documentation for your lab’s in-house tests parallel to the webinar series, register here for access to PlatoX®.

Request PlatoX access

Watch the IVDReady webinars to get started on documenting your in-house tests

Webinar kick-off
IVDReady your lab for compliance by May 2024
IVDReady Webinar 1
Let’s talk strategy
IVDReady Webinar 2
Give it a purpose
IVDReady Webinar 3
Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge
IVDReady Webinar 4
Gate opening: Introducing the Workflow Studio
IVDReady Webinar 5
GSPRs are challenging, standards are beautiful
IVDReady Webinar 6
An ounce of validation
IVDReady Webinar 7
The real risk is not managing risk
For manufacturers
RUOs under IVDR: The benefits of a multi-stakeholder platform
For Manufacturers
IVDReady your labs for continuous business success

Sneak peak preview

Strategy Wizard

Not sure how to begin IVDR documentation of your in-house tests?  

What you need is a strategy. This interactive wizard will get you started with basic IVDR know-how and then lead you straight to the right strategy for your lab.  

Go to the Strategy Wizard

Platomics is collaborating with Diaceutics to double up on our shared goal of providing labs with resources and solutions to facilitate bringing precision medicine diagnostics to patients faster. We both strive to support labs with IVDR compliance in order to ease the burden and make better testing widely accessible.

A Diaceutics’ report featuring in vitro diagnostic industry experts entitled “CE-IVDR: Where are we now in molecular testing?” offers a bird’s eye view of IVDR implementation and the challenges for labs across the EU.

Get in touch

Platomics GmbH

Jakov-Lind-Strasse 15/3
1020 Vienna

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